The other day while sitting in my living room, I drifted off to that altered state that wasn’t quite a sleep but more like a daydream.
It felt so delicious that afterward I was happy and my spirit felt lighter.
You see, I had been off to Maui….. Maui where the “livin is easy” and the biggest decision of the day is Mai tai or Pina Colada?

Oh heavens, the flowers here are so amazing. The fragrance from the Plumeria was all encompassing, or was it the bougainvillea or hibiscus? Who cares really, it was my daydream and it was lovely.
And the birdlife…they are all going full tilt cheerfully singing away, and sound so very different from the birds that I am used to.
Then I reach the park where a meandering ocean side walk-way ushers me past all the paddle boarders and swimmers out early to catch the water before it gets too wavy. The sun is glinting off the sea and the light is just perfect. As I stroll along I observe an eclectic mix of folks… long hairs and corporate types, families and loners, surfers and beach bunnies. I love it.
Our Canadian Thanksgiving has come and gone so I better think about packing the flip-flops and flippers, oh yes and the swimsuit and maybe I'll get there in time for American Thanksgiving at the end of November. I wonder if I can day dream my way into the perfect beach body before I leave?
I just heard from a tropical bird that the Maui Garden House has had a cancellation for November. So take advantage of the cheap flights and treat yourself to a wonderful Maui vacation.